Tips to manage and reduce stress
Today is National Stress Awareness Day! How fitting for a Monday right?
As women, we wear many hats all day, every day. We tend to put ourselves last and this all too easily leads to being tired and stressed!
- Are you human?
- Do you get out of bed daily?
- Do you have bills to pay?
If you say ‘YES’ to any of the questions above, you may be stressed! Keep reading!
There are so many way to reduce, manage and relieve stress. Finding a few self-care routines that fit easily into your day or week is a step in the right direction! Below are a few of my faves!
1- Take an extra long shower or bath… set it up like the spa! Candles, dimmed lights, maybe some music. Use some yummy smelling soap or oils and enjoy!
2- Exercise- it increases your overall health and your sense of well-being, which puts more pep in your step every day. It also has some direct stress-busting benefits by pumping up your endorphins. Physical activity helps bump up the production of your brain’s feel-good neurotransmitters, called endorphins. So do some jumping jacks, get to a yoga class or go for a run!
3- Journal- Letting thoughts build up inside can create the ‘shaken soda effect’ and eventually make you lose your cool (probably in the wrong place at the wrong time!) If you don’t have someone you can vent to, or are like me and are better at writing than talking, let that journal have it! Getting those thoughts and feelings off your chest is a major relief for me personally!
4- Speak up! Let those around you know you need a little extra help so you can have some quiet time! Even if it’s just 5 minutes to go poop without interruption. Am I right?
5- Get up early or stay up after the kids are out and MEDITATE. You’ve never meditated? Start with TWO minutes every day for a week. Just sit quietly for two minutes and close your eyes. Check in with your body, your emotions, count your breaths and maybe focus on some positive affirmations. Increase your time each week!