Baiden Mitten & My Battle with KP
Friends, I’m a hot mess. I’m lucky if I get a shower every third day. I often wear the same outfit two-three days in a row and just cross my fingers I see different people each day or they’re cool enough not to judge me. So I will do anything for a product that makes my life easier and seemingly less ‘hot-messy’.
I not only battle hot-messiness on the daily, I have had KP my entire life… know what that fun word means? Keratosis Pilaris, not fun. Not smooth, blemish-free skin like everyone else. It means rough, bumpy, splotchy skin. All over the back of my arms, my butt cheeks, part of my legs and back. If you have it, you know how self-conscious you are. Covering with sleeves, pants, whatever. Trying creams, scrubs, diet changes to get rid of it. WebMD says it’s harmless but I beg to differ, it caused me a lot of anxiety.
I remember refusing to wear sleeveless clothes during the summer when I was a teenager and then as the years went on I decided to try to not care and wear whatever I wanted. But then I’d wear something sleeveless and all day I’d wonder if people were looking at my arms. It felt so silly yet this imperfection in my skin had a hold on me.
No one really knows what causes it and even better, no one knows how to truly get rid of it. For some, eliminating gluten helps, but not for all. For someone else, an OTC cream helps, but not for all. Thirty one years on this Earth and I have finally found something that has helped improve the texture and redness. It hasn’t gotten rid of it but it sure has lessened its appearance, given me skin that I actually LOVE touching and over time, and my redness seems to be going down. I have even found my boys rubbing my arms which is not something they have ever done before.
I actually stumbled upon the Baiden Mitten in a co-op group doing a bulk buy and figured why not. I had recently gotten turned onto the benefits of dry-brushing by a friend and the reviews on this thing were fantastic. I just wanted softer skin! Was that so hard? I really wish I had thought to take before pictures. The transformation in just a few shorts weeks has been astonishing! The kind of afters will have to do!
What is dry brushing?
Just what it sounds like! Brushing your skin, while dry, in an intentional way to benefit your well-being (and give you softer skin in the process!)
Why dry brush?
- Exfoliation: getting that upper layer of dead, dry skin off really helps you look fresh!
- Energy: Dry brushing gets your blood flowing! You’re going to feel more awake after just your first session!
- Lymphatic Support: Being intentional on HOW you dry brush will help get your blood flowing and your Lymphatic system flushing those toxins out!
- Stress Relief: much like a massage, dry brushing can be a much needed stress relief and help your body heal faster and lower inflammation
How to dry brush with the Baiden Mitten
- Wash your baiden mitten thoroughly with soap before use.
- Take a bath or nice warm shower for at least 10 minutes. No soaps or oils. This will help soften the skin, open your pores and make the mitten more effective.
- Empty the tub or turn the shower water off but stay in the shower. do NOT towel dry.
- Get the mitten wet and wring it out and put the mitten on
- Apply as much pressure as is comfortable. Don’t over do it but you want to be firm. Rub in a back and forth motion (not circular) and watch as your skin rolls up and starts falling! Don’t rinse or rub the exfoliated skin off, it creates a snowball effect and helps catch more skin as you move along.
- I start with my feet and work up. Then arms and work in. Then my trunk, and my face last. I do my face last so I don’t get over-zealous and rub my face raw LOL.
- Once done, I take my shower, do a thorough layer of yummy lotion and voila. INSTANT GLOW!
- The best part? You don’t have to do this daily!! Once a week is perfect as more often will be too much for your skin to handle.