Friends, I’m a hot mess. I’m lucky if I get a shower every third day. I often wear the same outfit two-three days in a row and just cross my fingers I see different people each day or ...
Today is National Stress Awareness Day! How fitting for a Monday right? As women, we wear many hats all day, every day. We tend to put ourselves last and this all too easily leads to ...
In all honesty, I am not a very organized person. I love to make lists and lose them. If I think of something I have to get done or do and forget to write it down, that thought is ...
Before we set off on a sunset safari with some super fun blogs, I wanted to introduce myself on a deeper level than a lot of you have seen. I want you to know the why behind it all, ...
I love this Golden Milk recipe as much as my Chai! A bunch of you asked for the recipe after I posted it on instagram so here it is! I tend to make this later in the day as it is a ...